Getting ready for the trail

One week to go to the Chichester Art trail, and I have so much to do: making my studio respectable enough for people to get into without falling over something, tidying away all our personal stuff and turning the house into a temporary art gallery, getting posters  and trail  guides outside, mounting prints and last, but not least, cleaning my house which has been a sort of art widow, while I’ve stayed painting in my Studio. My Venue number is 63.

DSCF3716Preview poster

The aftermath

After an afternoon painting there is the less glamorous task of cleanng up. I use a lot of brushes because once they have been used they are too wet to reuse during a session. Then there are the enamel plates I use when working with acrylics, they have to be washed too ready for the next session though if they are left to dry the paint will form a skin and float off.
